Thursday 2 August 2012

Health and Benefits – Flax seeds

                                                                                      Image Courtesy of Internet.

Flax seeds are extremely nutritious and a rich source of fiber and omega 3 fatty acids. They are relatively small and come in variants of yellow and brown colors. In India we know by the name of Alsi. They have crunchy texture and a subtle nutty flavor.

As they say good things come in small packages, these small seeds harbor the most powerful nutritional components of proteins, vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids. They are like the one stop shop for all your health needs. Flaxseeds are also a good source of fiber which also vital to the healthy functioning of the alimentary tract.

Flax seeds are known to be beneficial in fighting cancer. Their anti cancer properties are attributed to the high amounts of lignin and omega 3 fatty acids present in them. Certain studies have indicated that the essential fatty acids have the capability to retard the growth of tumors or cancerous growths.

There have been several clinical trials to study the benefit of Flax seeds on lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. These studies have gone on to prove that flax seeds do have cholesterol lowering properties there by reducing the risk of arteriosclerosis and acting as a prophylaxis for coronary artery diseases.

For women struggling with infertility issues inclusion of flax seeds to their diet could prove to be beneficial in producing a good sized ovarian follicle there by adding to their chances of successfully conceiving.  Just like in the case of Soya, flax seeds are a good source of phytoestrogens. As the name suggests these naturally occurring estrogens can be used to supplement and address the issues of declining estrogen levels experience by women going through menopause. They help alleviate the symptoms of menopause and also reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis during the post menopausal phase.

Finding ways to include these wonderful nutritive seeds of gold and bronze in your diet can be a bit of a challenge. Here are just a few ways by which you can uniquely incorporate and enjoy the benefits they have to offer. One popular technique is to incorporate ground flaxseeds into your muffin, cookie, or bread recipes. It could also be added to cooked cereals. If baking is not your thing the simplest way would be to eat a handful of this rich omega fatty acid source a day. This way you could also ensure you don’t lose out on any of the nutrients that might get destroyed by processing it.

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