Thursday 2 August 2012

Health & Benefits – Know Your Tomato

No matter how you pronounce it the good old tomato is far from just another boring fruit. Yes you hard me say that right. The Tomato is indeed a fruit and not a vegetable which I guess all are pretty much aware of now.

This is one of the most diversely used fruits right up from eating it raw as part of a basically tossed up salad, to being part of various delicious gravies, to accompaniments, dips, pickles and how can we forget the sinful Bloody Mary. In its many forms this magically tangy ingredients never fails to pack a punch.
While we’ve relished the tomato in every form it’s discover the treasure trove of health benefits wrapped up in that bright red dollop. The main nutritive derivate found in the Tomato is the carotenoid, Lycopene which is a potent natural antioxidant. It also happens to be the one that imparts the luscious red colour to the tomato. Animal studies also indicate that lycopene possesses certain anti-proliferative properties which could well go on to prove the benefits this could have in the field of oncology. Certain studies also indicate that people who include a lot of tomatoes in their regular diet have lesser known occurrence of cancers of the prostate, stomach and lung.

Apart from lycopene, tomatoes also contain a fair amount of Vitamin A, C, folate and potassium. Vitamin A plays an important role to protect and maintains the vibrancy of the skin. It also helps maintain a healthy metabolic function of the body. Vitamin C is the all essential Vitamin to help build a strong Immune system so that your body can effectively fight against various predatory infections. Potassium is known for its prophylactic uses against heart diseases and strokes.

We’ve just seen the many benefits that the good old tomato has to offer. There are some things however that one needs to be cautious about while enjoying them. Tomatoes tend to be highly acidic so people with history or pre-existing conditions of acid sensitivity should stay clear of them. They could aggravate c pre-existing conditions of gastric ulcers due to their acidic nature.
They have been associated with salmonelosis. However this is very rare and usually occurs due to improper packaging. This can be averted by thorough disinfection and a good amount of washing before they can be processed.
Tomatoes are definitely a healthy addition to any diet and far too many benefits than drawbacks. So go ahead enjoy them in whichever way you like and think of the healthy boost you’re giving your body with every bite of this humble fruit.

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