Tuesday 7 August 2012

Time Travel

Image Courtesy of Internet

Time Travel, is it Really possible? 

Well the Movies/Tv Series definetley are earning alot of money on this concept.The latest TV series Tera Nova got the viewers hooked and wanting more.

There are many theories that suggest that travelling through time is possible however we currently don't have the technology to invent a time machine.This Blog will not include any such information as there is alot of data already avialble on the World Wide Web.Writing this blog so that I can share some of my views on Time Travel and take you on a journey to achieving it in your own home,right this minute.

For me Time Traveling is as simple as displacing/stimulating your thoughts to the time where you want to be.To achieve this you can use music to bring back those memories like it was just happening.Have you had this feeling when you listen to a song which was playing during your first kiss,a new car etc.It transports you back in time bringing back those memories.

Its not just music but really any thing which can stimulate your brain say even smell also would give you the same effect.All I can say for now is that till some physicist gets the math correct and some engineer works on that math and invents a Time Machine,we can only live on the simple stuff of stimulating our minds to the place where we want to be.

Go on make new memories,have fun.

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