Wednesday 1 August 2012

Warli: The Beautiful Indian Art of Symbols

I illustrate the simple and beautiful art done by the Warli tribe, who are located in the western region of India.

Warli is a very simplistic art which gets its name from the Warli Tribe which uses this art to decorate the external walls of their mud hutments. Their art mainly depicts their social life and its beauty is in its simplicity.

The Warli tribe lives in the western part of the state of Maharashtra in India. This tribe in spite of being so close to the hustling and bustling metropolis Mumbai hasn't been influenced by the urbanization bug. The Warlis still continue to live their lives with basic means and in a rustic manner.

This art which was developed and used by the Warli tribal folk is very similar to the ancient cave paintings barring that these paintings are mostly pertaining to the tribal folks and their day to day activities and not centric around any of their gods or deities. These paintings involve the usage of basic geometric patterns like the square, the circle and the triangle. For instance the human figures are depicted two inverted triangles.

The traditional way in which the tribal people perform this art is by painting these figures onto freshly dung plastered walls. These paintings are strictly made by married tribal women, whilst a married priestess sings some specific hymns. They make these paintings using a paste of rice and a bamboo twig.

These Warli paintings are soon becoming popular and are being incorporated in several different ways. These traditional wall paintings are now also available as printed on fabrics , wall hangings and as special murals as part of lavish interior designing assignments. This art is simple and easy to learn. There are plenty of sites which provide instructions and more details about this lovely. Those of you who would like to try out something new and funky; this would be a really creative way to stand out. So go ahead and explore the art of Warli.

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